Saturday, June 29, 2013

Night before departure: Wreck it Ralph, frozen Indian food from Trader Joe's (Liv and Ruby's choice) and lots of last-minute organizing.

Can't forget to take the typhoid meds. Have to pack them in a cold pack in my suitcase which means reopening it. That's a risky proposition. Just taking photos of the couch bunnies--poor Chris is so afflicted by the weather here, and it's not even hot compared to India. But everyone living in CT knows it's sticky and gross, and none of them envies me the weather part of the experience. I might come back looking like a bloated bun. Or a raisin. We'll see.


  1. My challenge for you: learn some slang/expressions/puns!

  2. i will try to "vivify" !!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Wendy, they are probably working your buns off but I want to hear more more more! What religions? Key aspects of similarities and differences? I want to have you meet my friend Lori Redmer who is in divinity school now. You two may have much to share. Xxoo, Lisa
